Neck and Back Pain Prevention
Tips to Avoid Neck and Back Pain
Neck and back pain are common complaints but there's a lot you can do to make sure you don't suffer pain or injury to your spine. For example regular physical activity, like walking, can help increase mobility and prevent pain. Here are some helpful tips to avoid neck and back pain:
When lifting objects bend your hips and knees.
Always face the object you're lifting and hold the object close to your body.
Avoid twisting with loads in your hands.
Avoid carrying awkward or unbalanced loads.
Never carry or move anything which you can't handle easily; ask for help!
Change your body position frequently; avoid sitting or standing in one position for too long.
When sitting keep your lower back supported.
Choose firm, supportive chairs with armrests.
When sleeping or lying down, rest on your back or side, not your stomach.
Always use a comfortable, supportive pillow for sleep.
When walking or standing wear comfortable, supportive shoes.
Make exercise and daily activity a part of your life. Good exercises include walking, swimming, stretching, cycling, aerobics and aquafitness. Regular exercise increases strength, mobility and cardiovascular fitness.
Tips for Acute Injury and Pain
The causes of spinal joint pain and related soft tissue pain vary. You may have suffered a fall, sports injury or been in a car accident, strained yourself bending over to pick up your shoes, aggravated an arthritic condition or developed a disc problem. Whatever the cause, when pain strikes suddenly, even the slightest movement is agonizing. Consider the following helpful tips:
Reduce your activity levels or rest until you seek professional help.
Ice (cold compresses) should be applied to the area of pain in the first 24-48 hours. Avoid using heat initially.
Avoid continued exercises or strenuous activities to prevent aggravation.
Elevation and compression are helpful for lower limb injuries like an ankle sprain.
Don't self-treat pain with someone else's prescription pain relievers which can cause more harm than good. Seek the proper advice if you're going to use medication.
Get the problem checked. Acute injuries can continue without resolution and become chronic if not managed properly. A chiropractic consultation and examination is a good place to start.